Now, recently I am feeling demotivated and these post seem like I have to get them out, which means that they are not fun to me anymore. But every time I think of that, there is really one question in my mind. "Why am I doing this?" Originally it was to maybe lighten someones day, or to express my opinion to other people so they can share their thoughts, but recently the answer would be something like, "I don't know" or "wait, what is the reason. Why am I continuing to so this." Usually, if I don't like doing something, I don't do it, and most of you can agree. This blog would fall in the I don't like doing something category. Don't get me wrong, I love sharing my opinion and sharing my thoughts to you all, but this just seems like a chore more than a hobby.
Also, I just want to say this very bold thing. I am not a big music critique. I do not know a lot the stuff that goes in music, which is why my explanation on songs is so bland. And I think you all realized that. My most common explanation why I hate a certain song is usually, "___'s vocals are really bad", or "the chorus is bad." That is really all I know, and I really can't explain it to you why I hate it, which brings to my same question. "Why am I doing this?" Trust me, I don't even know what a bridge of a song is. But really, that really makes you think why a person who knows nothing about how music works can do a successful blog. Well, I wasn't making the blog so that I can see if it will be successful. I made to express my feelings and not always keeping it inside me all the time. I don't know a lot about artists, but somehow I can get away with it. And you see all these other people in the blog explaining the song so well and making me realize, "thats what I meant", but all I put was, "the vocals are good, I hope this song does good on the countdown. NEXT!" Just look back at my first posts and you will see how bad my explanations were.
So, the big question is, "When will I come back?" I am not sure. I need to get settled and not feel a lack of motivation, and need to work on my homework more carefully. It is not like this blog is dead, or I just don't like talking about music. I wanted to share my thoughts and engage conversations with people who are in this community, which by the way, this community is really nice and I thank them for their kindness and knowledge to my blog, and my overall knowledge on music. But, I am sorry I have to leave, this cannot go on forever. And it is really tough typing this up, cause I know people like this blog and want to see more, so I am truly sorry for this.
Thank you for everyone for reading my posts and taking their own time to read them and hopefully I will See You Again
Come back, RedDog!!!